Welcome to the new website

Photo by Zhanhui Li on Unsplash
By Joseph Millum, ISPH Chair
A warm welcome to the redesigned website for the International Society for Priorities in Health. And a warm welcome to our new blog!
In addition to this blog, which will feature the voices of ISPH members and friends from around the world, the website has some great new features.
We have a new page for opportunities relating to priority setting and health. This is a place for you to advertise. If you have a job opening, a call for papers, or any other announcement relevant to the ISPH membership, fill in the online form. Your announcement will be reviewed to check it’s appropriate and then posted on the site.
We also have a new and improved Resource Hub. Here you’ll find briefing notes that give short, accessible introduction to important priority setting topics, curated collections of resources, and more. We will gradually expand this collection and welcome your contributions to it. Our Covid-19 resources are now archived, so they are still available for research and future pandemic planning.
14th Priorities 2024 Conference
As ever, the biennial conference is the center of the ISPH calendar. This year’s conference will be hosted by the Health Intervention and Technology Assessment Program (HITAP) in Bangkok, Thailand from 8-10 May 2024. The website for the conference is here and the programme is now available. We hope to see you there! Meanwhile, materials from previous conferences are still available here. We’ll also be hosting more webinars in the coming year…
Still to come, soon we’ll be opening a members-only area, where you will be able to create your own profile and find others who share your interest in priority setting. We hope this will support collaboration among ISPH members and help maintain our connections from meeting to meeting. Watch this space for more details soon.
About ISPH
ISPH is run by and for its members. If there are changes you’d like to see to the website, please get in touch! Even better, get involved—we would love to have you contribute to the site. We’ll be adding blog posts about once a month. If you would like to write a blog post for ISPH, please email prioritiesinhealth@gmail.com with a short description of your proposal. We especially welcome:
- Accessible reports of recently published research,
- Country posts describing priority setting needs and processes in your country, and
- Thought pieces commenting on topical or timeless issues related to priority setting and health