COVID-19 Databases and visualizations

September 17, 2023


The extent of severe illness from Covid-19 has overwhelmed the health care infrastructure in several countries. Shortages of diagnostic tests, personal protective equipment, hospital beds, mechanical ventilators, and some treatments have forced health care systems to make difficult allocation decisions. The first safe and effective vaccines are now authorized for use in many countries, but their supply is limited within and across countries.

Below we provide links to several databases and repositories of literature, visualization tools, and other resources relevant to Covid-19 priority setting.

Databases and Repositories

Pandemic Ethics Resources, UNC Center for Bioethics

Recommendations and material on ethical patient care issues in the COVID-19 pandemic, Akademie für Ethik in der Medizin

Pandemic ethics literature, guidelines and protocols, collected by Thomas Cunningham

“Live map of COVID-19 evidence”: an overview of scientific publications on COVID-19 categorized and parsed into more specific subgroups, providing quick access to specific topic-relevant publications, Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH)

“COVID-19 Guidance and the Latest Research in the Americas”: searchable database, which contains the latest guidance and research on the pandemic from the Americas and affectecd countries worldwide, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)

Fiscal and Monetary Policy Responses to Covid-19, International Monetary Fund

Visualisation of Data

COVID-19 Interactive Map, Coronavirus Resource Center, John Hopkins University

COVID-19 Projections (US) for hospital resource use, mortality, IHME

“Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) – the data”: visualization of i.a. confirmed cases and confirmed deaths, updated daily, globally, M. Roser & H. Ritchie

Modelling and Simulations

An Excel model that offers different simulations for understanding the dynamics of the COVID-19 pandemic including: i.a. absence of interventions, policies reducing contacts between people and the evaluation of the health and economic impacts on the population.

For more information click here (model by Marc Fleurbaey)

For an introduction and quick tutorial on the model watch the video below.

Other Resources

Clinical Decision Support Tools, Surgisphere

COVID-19 Marathon Webinar (7 h), European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM)

COVID-19 Global Science Portal, International Science Council (ISC)

COVID-19: Analysis, resources and how you can help, 80,000 This page covers key information about the crisis, how to use your time and money to tackle it effectively, ideas on how to personally cope, and how to use your career to help prevent future pandemics.

Multilingual COVID-19 Information Videos, AfricArxiv: There is a lot of information circulating about COVID-19 – some more reliable than others. For many individuals, it is stressful to sort through differing messages – often in languages that are not their mother tongue. The platform aims to create 2-minute videos in as many languages as possible that present a consistent message about COVID-19, containment strategies and practical health information.

Country Responses to the Covid19 Pandemic, Cambridge Core blog.

Coronavirus Research Ideas for EAs, Effective Altruism Forum.